Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I finally got my new ipod.


so I'm lame, and I can't believe I'm writing a blog about it....but I got a new ipod.

Mine last one got killed by a rollercoaster.....

I play rough.

Don't judge.

Long story short, I was on California Screamin' at DCA, and I had forgotten I had my ipod in my pocket.

My poor little ipod flew out of my pocket, landed somewhere along the track...I saw it fly, witnessed its last functional minutes on Earth, cried out in terror as the train in front of us tore over that particular stretch of track.

Rest in Peace my poor little blue ipod...

I have a new shiny red one now.

lesson learned....ipods and high speed trains don't mix.

I'm out.

It's been a long day.

I'm just kinda grouchy. you ever get out of bed and then wonder why ya did it?  That's me today.

Honestly. I'm tired. got up, got in the shower to wash my hair, realized I forgot to get shampoo. so I now I have wet hair and it's gonna be frizzy and gross. So fine, it's a stereotypical "girly" reaction, but I can't help it. So I have two hours before work...but I want clean hair!  So I run to the store, get my shampoo, come home, jump into the shower....

only to forget that it's street sweeper day, and there was a reason my car was parked in the driveway, not the street...got a ticket for 45$.....annoying!! get to work...a realized I've forgotten my training folder at home, so now I have to wing it with my trainees today....I figure..."hey...I'll burn off steam at the gym, right?"


forgot my gym shoes at home...all I'm wearing are heels....lame....

I go home...get into the shower, relax......and get a call from my friend who was visiting from out of town, asking if we were stilling meeting for dinner tonight..............

Gah...I wanna sleep...

but I'm going out anyhow...later all.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Random Day yesterday...

alright, so first off, Darian and Kristy will be the only ones who get this joke, but....

"I hate your camera, Joe!"

LOL. okay. So look, yesterday here's what happened, Joe...*glare* got a new camera. I'm so very happy it has a few billion lens settings and whatnot, but you are real annoying with it.  I'm not kidding. This is the first and last time I do a sitting with you....I did enough for three years, I'm not doing it AGAIN. Try to get Lor to do it next time. 

so for those of you who don't know me....I used to model....once upon a time and I got out of it quickly because I realized one thing....I don't like sitting still....besides....I think I laughed at one too many photographers who told me to "look like a tree" or "hold the sexy in your eyes."  sorry...can't do it...I laugh.

Anyhow....it was a long day of sitting in front of Joe's camera....well...only two hours, but it felt like way too long. But on the plus side I got one good picture out of it.  I don't like my eyebrows...I need to change that, but of well.  Hope you like the pic.